Privacy Policy


This is our privacy policy. It tells you how we collect and process data received from you on our site Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it. If you have any comments on this privacy policy, please email them to

Lyvely is not a payment processor, Lyvely facilitates payments directly between users of the platform via third party payment providers such as MamoPay and Stripe. Before creating an account or making a payment please take a moment to read the privacy policies of these payment providers:

• Mamo

Stripe whose Privacy Policy can be found at

Lyvely also connects to third party services to perform certain functions. Before using Lyvelyplease take a moment to read the privacy policies of these third party services.

Users can authenticate (log in to Lyvely) via the following services:

Google whose Privacy Policy can be found at Revoke access at any time directly in your Google account at

Lyvely facilitates a direct relationship between Creators and Supporters (Supporters include Viewers, Followers, Subscribers, and Buyers) on Lyvely. Individual Creators may receive certain contact information about Supporters such as email addresses and transaction information and as such, Creators themselves are responsible for their own lawful processing of information made available to them by the service.

2.Who We Are

• Our site address is

• Our company name is Lyvely FZE

• Our company number is L-2177

• Our registered address is The Offices 3, One Central, Dubai

3.What we may collect

We may collect and process the following data about you:

• Contact information such as name and email address either entered directly or transmitted via a social sign up facility such as ‘sign up with Google’ or any other social login.

• Information you put into forms or surveys on our site.

• Information you put into your Lyvely profile and updates to your profile including but not limited to images, hashtags, text updates and links to third-party websites or content.

• Information you enter to send or receive payments such as Mamo Pay email address or Stripe Connected Account information.

• Details of transactions you carry out through our site.

• Details of your visits to our site and the resources you use.

• Information about your computer (e.g. your IP address, browser, operating system, etc.) for system administration and to report aggregate information to our advertisers.

• The referring URL (where a visitor to a page came from).

• Other personal information you choose to disclose to us for any reason.

Under GDPR we will ensure that your personal data is processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently, without adversely affecting your rights. We collect and process your personal data;

• As necessary to fulfil our terms and community guidelines. *Add link to Lyvely’s policies.

• Consistent with your consent which you may revoke at any time through the deletion of your Lyvely account.

• As is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party.

• As necessary to comply with our legal obligations.

• To protect your vital interest or those of others.

• As necessary in the public interest.

• For our legitimate interest in the provision of a service to our users and partners unless those interests may be overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms that require the protection of personal data.

In a Nutshell
In order to provide the service to you, we collect some personal information from you and your device.


All Cookies used by and on our website are used in accordance with current English and EU Cookie Law. The site uses cookies to collect information about your access to the site. Cookies are pieces of information that include a unique reference code that a website transfers to your device to store and sometimes track information about you. Some of the cookies we use last only for the duration of your web session and expire when you close your browser. Other cookies are used to remember you when you return to the site and will last for longer.

Disabling Cookies

Most computer and some mobile web browsers automatically accept cookies but, if you prefer, you can change your browser to prevent that or to notify you each time a cookie is set. You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser. If you do disable cookies it may not be possible to use the service.  

Our cookies will be used for:

Essential session management

• creating a specific log-in session for a user of the site in order that the site remembers that a user is logged in and that their page requests are delivered in an effective, secure and consistent manner;

• recognising when a user of the site has visited before allowing us to identify the number of unique users we receive to the site and make sure we have enough capacity for the number of users that we get;

• recognising if a visitor to the site is registered with us in any way;

• we may also log information including the existence of cookies, your IP address and information about your browser program in order to allow us to diagnose problems, administer and monitor overall usage of our site.


• customising elements of the content of the pages of the site.

Performance and measurement

• collecting statistical information about how our users use the site so that we can improve the site and learn which parts are most popular to users.

In a Nutshell use cookies to operate the service and improve it.

5.How we use what we collect

We use information about you to:

• Present site content effectively,

• Provide information about the service and connected supporters or creators pages of which may be of interest,

• Tell you about additional services available to you,

• Carry out our contracts with you,

• Allow you to use our interactive services if you want to,

• Comply with the acceptable use policies of payment partners such as MamoPay and Stripe,

If you don't want to be contacted for marketing purposes, please adjust your notifications settingsin your dashboard.  

Note: Both Lyvely and the Creators using Lyvely process the personal information provided on Lyvely separately and are therefore considered independent data controllers. For example, Creators using Lyvely will have access to their Supporter email addresses and transaction information. If you do not wish for your information to be available to Creators on Lyvely,please do not enter that information when using Lyvely and do not use this service.

Please also note: We don't identify individuals to our advertisers, but we may give them aggregate information to help them reach their target audience, and we may use information we have collected to display advertisements to that audience.

In addition, if you don’t want us to use your personal data for any of the other reasons set out in this section in 5, you can let us know at any time by contacting us at and we will delete your data from our systems. However, you acknowledge this will remove our ability to provide the service to you and will not automatically remove that contact or transaction data previously made available to Creators.

In a Nutshell
We use the data we collect to provide the service to you and occasionally we may show relevant advertising

6.Where we store your data

We may transfer your collected data to storage outside the European Economic Area (EEA). It may be processed outside the EEA to provide the service to you.

By giving us your personal data, you agree to this arrangement. We will do what we reasonably can to keep your data secure.

If we give you a password, you must keep it confidential. Please don't share it. Although we try to provide protection, we cannot guarantee complete security for your data, and you take the risk that any sending of that data turns out to be not secure despite our efforts.

We only keep your personal data for as long as we need to in order to use it as described above in section 5, and/or for as long as we have your permission to keep it. In any event, we will conduct an annual review to ascertain whether we need to keep your personal data. Your personal data will be deleted automatically if we no longer need it.

In a Nutshell
Your data is stored securely, and we don’t keep it for longer than we need it. Your data is transferred to some suppliers located outside of the EEA.

7.Disclosing your information

We are allowed to disclose your information in the following cases:

• If we want to sell the service or the company, we can disclose it to the potential buyer.

• We can disclose it to other businesses in our group.

• We can disclose it if we have a legal obligation to do so, or in order to protect other people's property, safety or rights.

• If a payment provider such as mamoPay or Stripe requests access to it.

• We can exchange information with others to protect against fraud or credit risks.

We may contract with third parties to supply services to you on our behalf. These may include payment processing, search engine facilities, advertising and marketing. In some cases, the third parties may require access to some or all of your data.

Where any of your data is required for such a purpose, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data will be handled safely, securely, and in accordance with your rights, our obligations, and the obligations of the third party under GDPR and the law.

Disclosing supporter information to creators

We will disclose the email address and any transaction information entered on Lyvely required to facilitate direct communication between the Creator and Supporter, the fulfilment of transactions or calculation of tax liabilities.

Creators are responsible for how they use the data collected on Lyvely. By following, supporting, subscribing or buying from a Creator on Lyvely you are directing us to share your information in this way. If you do not wish for information to be disclosed to a creator please do not enter that information on Lyvely.

Creators may contact you outside of Lyvely and you agree to contact them directly should you wish to withdraw your consent to contact you. It will be wholly the responsibility of the creator, not Lyvely to use your data in accordance with applicable laws.

Creators Using supporter or follower information

We expect Creators to respect the privacy of the followers and supporters whose information you have received. As described in Lyvely’s Terms & Conditions you have a limited license to use that information only for Lyvely related communications and transactions. Lyvely has not granted a license to you to use the information for unauthorised transactions or sending unsolicited commercial messages in violation of any applicable laws, including any consent requirements of the jurisdiction of the recipient.

You should only add a Supporter to your email or physical mailing list or otherwise use or store a Supporter’s personal information in accordance with applicable laws, including any consent requirements that apply in that member's jurisdiction.

In a Nutshell
Reputable third-party suppliers and partners are used to process personal data. We may transfer your personal data to these suppliers. We may also provide Creators with Supporter email addresses and transaction information in order to communicate or fulfil transactions.

8.Your rights

You can ask us not to use your data for marketing. You can do this by updating your Notification Settings or by contacting us at any time at

Under the GDPR, you have the right to:

• request access to, deletion of or correction of, your personal data held by us at no cost to you;

• be informed of what data processing is taking place;

• restrict processing;

• to object to the processing of your personal data; and

• complain to a supervisory authority.

To enforce any of the foregoing rights or if you have any other questions about our site or this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

In a Nutshell
You can opt-out of receiving marketing in your notification preferences or ask us anything about the data we hold about you.

9.Links to other sites

Please note that our terms of use and our policies will not apply to other websites that you get to via a link from our site. We have no control over how your data is collected, stored or used by other websites and we advise you to check the privacy policies of any such websites before providing any data to them.

In a Nutshell
We are not responsible for any other sites not owned and operated by Lyvely


If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on this page. If we decide to, we may also email you.